La ceremonia de la Kiva 2022

How beautiful it was, how powerful it was, how sunny it was, how wet it was. The entire organization team would like to thank the elders for their prayers, all the helpers for their tireless efforts, and all of you for your participation.

A fire, that all fires unite!
A fire, that us unite!
A fire, that all unites!

The second year, year of the second Kiva-Ceremony,
the year we celebrate the family, the year we encounter us as family.
The Kiva, heart of earth; at the fire, that us all unites.

“Every day is a new opportunity to make things better. In the spiritual, we always have a responsibility not to harm one another. It is a great learning field for all of us to take responsibility for ourselves and to listen to what our heart feeling and our intuition tells us.” Heriberto Villaseñor

Kiva 22 – Elders & Wisdom keepers

Kiva 22 – Elders & Wisdom keepers

With love, honor and respect to all the elders fro there energy and prayers ... mehr lesen / read more ...

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