Kiva 22 – Elders & Wisdom keepers

To be chosen from among us the human race, in all our different languages and sounds with different colored robes, to go – as Tigre saw it in his vision – into the Kiva, to act there in their own tradition in their prayer and their wisdom; this is a commitment to be honored and respected.

With love, honor and respect we look forward to all those who will stand with us at the Kiva this year and let their strength work in prayer.

An obligation, a commitment is for a Kiva cycle, – if possible – we will welcome everyone back into the circle.

Heriberto Villaseñor,
from Mexico

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„Tecolozintli – venerable owl“
Heriberto took over the misson of carrying the fire of the Kiva on from Reymundo Tigre Perez and in the sense of the word we are happy that Heriberto is bringing the fire to Germany and holding the ceremony with his strength.

Nubia Esperanza Rodriguez Garcia, from Mexico

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Nubia works as a Doula in Mexico and is deeply rooted in working and healing in a feminine way; she sees it as her task to preserve and bring back original female knowledge.

Don Alfonso,
from Mexico

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He is better known by his spiritual name Xikawery (‘He who hits the target’ in Wixarrika) and has over twenty-five years of experience as a traditional medicine man, guide, and elder of the Wixarrika Nation, commonly known as Huicholes.

The Wixarrika Nation are one of the oldest ethnic groups of Mexico and although their currently held lands are in the fair northern mountains of Jalisco, they trace their origins homelands back here to the Bay of Bandereas.

Xikawery’s practice is concentrated on maintaining the sacred balance of life and nature with a focus on the ceremonially significant corn, deer, and peyote, which are especially revered by his people.
He has participated in many culture and nature oriented events throughout Mexico and elsewhere around the world, especially in Europe and South America.

Don Lorenzo,
from Columbia

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Born and arrived to get into conversation with the gods of the earth

Ruben Monroe Saufkie Sr,
from USA

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He comes from the Water Clan of the Hopi People of Arizona.
A messenger of H20PI, sharing peace through water and is encouraged to help as many people to find the compassion toward forgiveness to awaken their hearts. It is a way to live in balance, harmony, and a unity, which leads to peace and being Hopi.

His message: “Let us do our very best to live by the Creators law, which is very simple: take care of the land and it will take care of you. May peace prevail within and throughout the world and universe.”

Izaias Mendoza & Izabel Pérez,
from Guatemala

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They have dedicated their lives to the culture and preservation of the wisdom of traditional Mayan practice.
As custodians of Mayan ceremonies, ancient wisdom and traditions, it is their intention to spread the medicine of cacao around the world with the teachings of Mayan cosmology.

They reinforce the importance of sacred circles and gatherings and allow people of all backgrounds to connect with their Ch’umilal (Star) and pursue what Ajaw (the Creator) intended as the mission for its existence.

In this way they help people all over the world to walk their path, follow their calling and connect with their heart, body and spirit, always with the help of the Nahuales.

Felipe Pyky Uba Duarte,
from Columbia

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A Muisca, a tribe from the people of Chibcha, born in Mweketa, the fields of harvest, in the region known as Kunturnamarc, the nest of the Condor. Appointed as guardian of the seed by its Arhuaco family in la Sierra Nevada, and guardian of the Fapkwa, a traditional medicine of sweet fermented corn.

Now based in Berlin, following the guidance of Chiwayapabi, the father mother energy, to share the word and philosophy of nature in Northern Europe through moon ceremonies and circles of word. There is more than what we need and now it is time to understand our Mother Earth needs us recognizing we are one and we are the medicine she needs.

Shirley Djukurnã Krenak
from Brazil

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Indigenous activist, indigenous activist. Perhaps this pair of words arranged in this pun is the best way to start introducing Shirley Djukurnã Krenak, a native woman from the Brazilian land.

Since she was 13 years old, she has responded to Mother Earth’s call to be a representative of indigenous rights and, above all, to fight for the preservation of the environment and ancestral spirituality.

Today, at the age of 40, she dedicated herself in body and soul to the struggle of indigenous women, something inherited from her traditional name, Djukurnã: a woman always willing, because she is the bearer of the spirit that never grows old.

Ragnar Johnsen,
born in Norway …

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He is “Walking the Path of the Heart”, sharing his medicine through ceremonies, workshops and retreats…
Guiding and helping us to re-connect with our Heart and the love & light within…
How we can listen, trust and be guided by our inner voice…

He is also a gifted Runemaster translating the messages of the Runes so that we can find our answers and get a better understanding of the path we are here to walk…

Info: Ragnar will be offering private rune readings for a fee of 50,- during these days.
Please get in touch with us if you are interested.

Philip Aswind van der Zee,
from the Netherlands

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Always in search of a deeper way of understanding, a deeper way of prayer, healing and ceremony.

Through stories and songs, through sacred symbols and healing energies, dreams and visions … always moving forward … going deeper …

Forgiveness and thankfulness as part of a rich spiritual life … so many blessings.

The ancestors walk with us. They bless us. We are their living prayer.

Theresia van der Zee,
from the Netherlands

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Since childhood Theresia ( Whisper ) travels through the worlds of her star ancestors and Elven families.
She was bit of a strange and dreamy girl…not of this world some said .
She didn’t speak a lot and stayed somewhat hidden away from groups of people.

That sometimes felt a bit lonely, until she met an Irish old Bard who told her she is” one of the Fae people”. And that she should not forget to share the knowledge and energy of the Fae with people nowadays .
It’s time to connect …..

And so she did … Theresia found a way to integrate and share her worlds as a dance teacher … later traveling with puppet theater … storytelling and harp and drum and songs inspired by her star family and Elvenways.

Ina Mehrfert,
from Germany

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„Blue Eagle Crystal Eye“
With an overview like an eagle and her blue crystal clear eyes, she is one of the most experienced wisdom-keepers of the northern-eurasian tradition.

Practicing sweat lodges, in the service of light, over 20 years.

Blue Eagle Crystal Eye travelled the world bringing medicine wheels, crystals and water ceremonies to many sacred places.
With her motherhood devotion and her grounded roots she lead us the way to the heart space of the new time.

“Let Mother Nature guide you and your steps become seeds of love”

Xenia Fitzner,
from Germany

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Born in the year of the wall.
Raised in West-Berlin at the edge of the city.
Accompanied by grandmothers, siblings, animals, gardens and ruins.

My Father, the medicine man, teached me healing, sympathy and adventurousness.
My Mother, the queen, gave me beauty and the courage in love.

About love, I know all and nothing, one thing for sure: “Love and Freedom are one.”
Adjure fortune: “What you call, comes!”
My magic is the magic of the body.
“.. the wisdom and experience of all beings is living inside us. We can use this wisdom to create a loving world.”

That’s it. That’s what I want.

Tina Inlakech,
from Austria

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She is a bearer of the seed and bridge builder of the roots for the earth ceremony from Mexico to Austria and Europe.

As the guardian of sweat lodge medicine and the 1001 songs, she is one of the founders of the Feuerkreis tribe ( and part of the roots of the earth family and go-between the worlds.
Beekeeper, doula (midwife), Shiatsu practitioner … and in endless training to become a Heyoka (holy clown).

There are rumors saying she is a medicine woman, even if she strictly denies this.

Everything is good, everything is clear, everything is wonderful. (Quote: Don Mateo)

Helene Lindmark,
from Sweden

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Máttaráhkká (Great-Grandmother), Noijd

She walks the shamanic tradition of the ancestors’ heritage from Sápmi, the northern parts of Sweden, Russia and Finland. An old traditions from the Roots, which partly have been protected and hidden in silence.

With a deep gratitude to her call she shares with us Ancient Wisdom from the North. The journey in life, a journey into the Roots, a journey with an unknown destination.

”Let us come together and unify, and unify with ourselves in our heart. We are all gifted; all is inside us in our own unique temple. We are a child of Mother Earth. So let us walk, pray and go centered, solid together and be one voice for the world.”

Raquel Haug,
from the Netherlands

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Through ceremony, sacred storytelling and ritual performances Raquel shares wisdom and knowledge about the women’s mysteries.

During an initiation ritual with Native American women thirty
years ago, she was taught how to synchronize her cycle with the lunar cycle and the cycles of
This ancient knowledge about the sacredness of life and the equality of men and
women is the basis of her teachings and prayers.

Deva Vibeke Evenhuis,
from the Netherlands

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As a child, whilst dancing and singing, Deva naturally connected with animals, nature beings, and her Star Mother from other dimensions. When she grew up this faded into the background.
Many years later after long illness, she came to exhausted surrender in connection with Mother Nature. In awareness of ‘not knowing’ and at the same time “being in alignment”, she was once again able to pass on the sound frequencies and Light language, as she had done back as a child.
The memory of these connection returned with the realisation that she had never been separated from the Mother energy that had always worked through her in the years of consciousness development and holistic therapy.
During the Kiva-Ceremony 2022, Deva was invited by an elder, Ruben Saufkie from the Hopi tribe, who has known her for seven years, to sound out the Light language of the Star Mother, a language that is recognised by many from their heart.
The Divine Mother wants to be recognised and embraced again in all of us. We are Light and Love and it is time to Live our origins again.

Dusty Miller,
from Great Britain

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His aim is to reconnect people again with Mother Earth and the standing people, the dryads, to teach everybody who wants to know how to communicate with the natural world.
Through a close relationship with the tree dryads, the standing people, living here long before us, all of us can learn a lot:new gates are opened and a lot of food for thought is given.

Dusty sees himselv as an ambassadors of the tree nation and opens the path way to the spirit world of the dryads.

Hazy Albrecht,
from Austria

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Heinz Zinke is accompanied by Hazy J. Albrecht, who, following in the footsteps of his Yenish ancestors from the Austrian Waldviertel, is a reminder and craftsman of ancient natural knowledge in theory and practice, a fire keeper and guardian of the vision of the fox family.

Annelies Theelen,
from the Netherlands

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Her mission is to support people to live from their heart with light and love. She works with respect for everyones original quality and finds her inspiration in how the bees work together. The way the bees cooperate is how they make the gold, the honey. Its about balance and harmony.

She is reconnected by ancestors with the knowledge of the Elder Futhark Runes. The origin of these Runes are from the ancestor tradition of the low countries/west Europe and it is time for her to go back to our own culture and traditions.

So it was channelled to her:
“Find the twelve sacred sounds on the Spinal Cord, if you find them and make these sounds with the people, they can be healed through their own DNA.”

Now the time has arrived to spread this gift from our European ancestors out into the world.

Ida Ayu Purnamawati,
named Dayu, from Bali

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AUM Swastiastu
AUM Avignam astu nama sidham
AUM Anobadrah Krtavo yantu visvatah

She was born in Klungkung , East Bali. In a family of healers and high priests from Brahmana Caste.

She loves to share the knowledge and experience that she has in life, to support and be there, to guide others who are willing to walk in God’s way.

Her mission is to encourage people to embrace each other, to work hand by hand with an open heart and purity, to understand that we are ones.

Her message:
“Use the difference as the color of life, as the strength of each other, the power of unity.
Life is about balance. Life is a choice. Walk and work together with purity and great full feeling.
May the blessing be.
AUM Shanty shanty shanty AUM”

Bhakti Lup,
from Mexiko

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Originally from Mexico-City she was in contact from the early beginning with the wisdom of this countries ancestor and is part of a circle of woman and dancers of the moon Xochimeztli.

She began to study and practice the Indian Hare-Krishna Philosophy. A philosophy in service to god and all beings.

She is a yoga teacher and facilitator of women’s circles. Seventh generation youth council member of united Abya Yala, promoter of culture and rights of Mother Earth.

Since 2015 from Colombia, she is connected to the Kiva Ceremony and prayer and helped the Hare-Krishna Family to bring the Roots of the Earth in 2019 to India.

Derwish Osman,
from the Netherlands

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As a follower (murid) of Sufimaster Shaukh Nazim Al-Haqqani and Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, world renowned scholars and spiritual masters of the Naqsibandiyya Sufi Order, he has the permission to give lectures and teachings in the mystic meditation of the sufi’s (sufi meditation and whirling performances).

Sinan Arat,
from Turkey

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He plays the Ney (a flute – and the oldest known instrument) and singer.
Master student of the legendary Bansuri master Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia and the Ney master Kudsi Erguner.

In encounter with this mystical flute, the Ney, his playing style shows the reflection of different approaches, regional Anatolian folk music, and Ottoman and Indian classical music as well as fusion and experimental forms.

Music is an invisible bridge of a breath, where we all are linked and somehow creating a view of life and love in a genuine dimension. Its a bridge through a stone to human, through the hearth to cosmos, through silence to the big bang, through multitude to the oneness.

With us in the circle, not with us at the Kiva 2022

Cheryl Ann Angel,
from USA

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She is an indigenous leader, venerable Lakota woman (Sioux), a water protector, mother of five children, and originally from the Sicangu tribe in South Dakota.

With the slogan “water is life”, she has been a fundamental member of the protests and continues the non-violent struggle together with the Lakota people at Standing Rock.

Aayla Shaman,
from Sibiria

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She accompanies and supports people all over the world with all her love and devotion and the strength of her Altaic ancestors to lead a happy, powerful and self-determined life.

In doing so, she brings old female knowledge back to women and reminds them of the valuable work with the family tree and ancestors.

Heinz Zinke,
from Austria

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Mother Earth Son

From is very early childhood he is in a strong connection to nature and the Alps of Austria.

He tells soul stories at the bison fur of his teacher Devalon Small Legs Long Time Traveling, a medicine man of the Blackfoot from Canada; He is alpine shaman and vision seeker.

“It is my task, to give my fire for Mother Earth”

A Herz

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