The Kiva Ceremony 2024 – 15.-18. August 2024

The fourth, closing and for this cycle final year of the Kiva Ceremony in Germany.

One fire, many hearts!

The year for ourselves, now it is time to close the circle, receive the blessing and move forward.”
Helmut Kinzelmann (Director Roots-of-the-Earth Team Germany)

Also in 2024 we offer two options to participate:

Kiva 2024 - Full-4-Day Tickets

Kiva 2024 - Full-4-Day Tickets

Kiva 2024 - Full-4-Day Tickets Dennenlohe - 14. (Arrival) - 18. August 24 ... mehr lesen / read more ...
Kiva 2024 – Weekend-2-Day Tickets

Kiva 2024 – Weekend-2-Day Tickets

Kiva 2024 - Weekend-2-Day Tickets Dennenlohe - 16. (Arrival) - 18. August 2024 ... mehr lesen / read more ...

Kiva Ceremony 2024 – Elders & Wisdom keepers

Kiva Ceremony 2024 – Elders & Wisdom keepers

Welcome to all Elders and their prayers ... mehr lesen / read more ...
Hand-in-Hand / Organisation & Volunteers

Hand-in-Hand / Organisation & Volunteers

We all help together hand-in-hand ... mehr lesen / read more ...


How much does it cost to cook a stew for everyone, oh, ... mehr lesen / read more ...
FAQ & Info & Travel

FAQ & Info & Travel

FAQ & Info & Travel ... mehr lesen / read more ...
Gemeinsam fahren / Drive together

Gemeinsam fahren / Drive together

On this page you can "Drive together" ..... mehr lesen / read more ...

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