Our elder, grand mother and medicine woman Ulrike – Stille Wasser Frau Auge im Wind
1953 – 2022
I live my life in ever-widening circles that stretch themselves out over all the things.
I won’t, perhaps, complete the last one, but I intend on trying.
I circle around God, around the ancient tower, and I circle for thousands of years;
and I don’t know, yet: am I a falcon, a storm, or a mighty song.
(Rainer Maria Rilke)

On January 8th she left the shores of our world and returned to the Eternal Woods.
We will miss her among us and remember her in the songs and stories she gave us.
Ahe – Ahea – Aye
Thank you for the path you have prepared for us; to connect us again and again and again to the roots of the spiritual power of Europe, to find our spirits and to learn their language and songs.
Filled with happiness we walk the bridges you have built and celebrate in the circles you have brought together, and we honor your courage to now lead the way to the other side, to guard and guide us from there.
May your love for people and the ancient Mother Earth be an inspiration for us to fill the coming generations with love, clarity and the power of deep connection.
„You are not dead. You only changed rooms. You live inside of us and walk through our dreams.“