
How much does it cost to cook a stew for everyone, oh, what kind of pot do we need and how do we heat it? And so many more questions, from tents and blankets, firewood and oat milk, to the toilet container and the toilet paper needed. Of course also flight tickets for the elders and so on.

We asked ourselves, what are the costs for 100, 200 or several hundred people and the four days at the Kiva?

Pricing will be divided into three pillars.

Space & food
From this third we draw the budget to buy groceries and everything that the camp needs (rent, including electricity, water and garbage, etc.), the lease for the castle park, in which the beautiful red Kiva stands, is paid from it ( and toilet paper…).

Organisation of the ceremony
From this share we pay for firewood, sweat lodge blankets, tobacco and herbs, supplement the equipment, such as for the kitchen and tents, and take care of the travel and accommodation of the elders. At this point it should be mentioned: No elder, no companion, no member of the organising team receives any form of fee or wages; we all stand in commitment to hold the power and energy of the ceremony for four years and to be connected in the community.

Support for the worldwide Roots-of-the-Earth organisation
A heart’s desire of the Roots-of-the-Earth organisation in Germany is to support the worldwide family, the Raices de la Tierra organisation and to enable the vision to spread.
Reymundo Tigre Perez recognized early how far the fire of the kiva can shine; so it was his concern to lead the Kiva-Ceremony over the ridge, the spine of the American continent (for example in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador) and to heal and connect the continent with it and also to bring the Kiva-Ceremony on each continent of this our beautiful earth.

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